Frederick Sigrist (1884-1956), a pioneer of the aircraft industry
In June 1912 Thomas Sopwith with Fred Sigrist and others set up The Sopwith Aviation Company.
Works Manager and later General Manager to the Sopwith Aviation and Engineering Co., Ltd
1933 Joint Managing Director of the H. G. Hawker Engineering Co., Ltd.
Originator of the Hawker system of metal construction for aircraft.
Obituary of FREDERICK SIGRIST, M.B.E., F.R.Ae.s. [1]
It is with great regret that we record the death on December 10 at Nassau, in the Bahamas, of that well remembered pioneer and much admired personality Fred Sigrist. He was 72 years of age and had been living in retirement — compelled by ill health — since 1940.
When the Sopwith Apprentices Associationreunion dinner was held in London a fortnight ago he sent atelegram with the cheerful text: "Pity we are not 40 years youngerwould then know better than to mess around with aeroplanes"He also generously sent a case of champagne; and through all thespeeches at the dinner — not because of the gift, but from genuineadmiration and good feeling — there ran a note of affection for him.
Fred Sigrist's momentous association with Sir Thomas Sopwithas chief engineer and adviser, began in 1910, and one of its firstfruits was the float plane in which Howard Pixton won theSchneider Trophy in 1914 by averaging 86.8 m.p.h. over theMonaco course. This machine was engineered by Sigrist; and heit was who, working day and night, did a major job of rebuilding — including conversion of the single central float to a pair — in timefor the contest.
He was in control of the vast organization to which the Sopwithconcern grew during the First World War, when it produced somany famous aeroplanes, including the 1.5-Strutter, whose prototypewas the "Sigrist Bus."
After the war, Sigrist took a well-earned rest, but returned to this country to become a founder member of the Hawker Aircraft Co, forerunner of today's vastHawker Siddeley Group.
He was also associated with the formation of Reid and Sigrist, in 1927.
Fred Sigrist was formerly joint managing director of the Gloster Aircraft Co, and a director of the Sopwith Aeroplane Co, Armstrong Siddeley, A. V. Roe, Air Service Training and Armstrong Whitworth Aviation.
When in 1940 his ill-health compelled him to seek a sunnier climate, Flight wrote of him:"In the early days Sigrist had an uncanny knack of producing thebest results from primitive materials, and was one of the finestengine tuners then available. He possessed great executive andorganizing ability and, like Sopwith, had the happy knack ofpicking the right men and getting the best out of them." Thattribute fittingly sums up the varied practical abilities by which heachieved success, and the personal qualities for which he was soaffectionately esteemed.
An Appreciation [2]
In an appreciation of Mr. Frederick Sigrist, who died on December 10th 1956, Sir Thomas Sopwith, chairman of the Hawker Siddeley Group, writes:
"Fred Sigrist was one of the pioneers of aviation. Although his name does not appear in any Royal Aero Club list of record holders he was one of the best engineers I have ever known and because of this aviation owes a great debt to his memory. He had the priceless gift of getting the best out of all who worked with or under him, partly because he knew his job but principally, I am sure, because he was so completely genuine.
"Fred Sigrist was a Jerseyman. I first met him when he joinedthe crew of an auxiliary schooner as engineer in 1909. Within ayear we were immersed in the early days of flying and inDecember 1910, largely owing to his genius in persuading ourearly engines to keep running, we were able to fly from Eastchurchto Belgium.
"In 1911 we started the construction of aircraft, first in ashed at Brooklands and then in a disused skating rink atKingston. Fred Sigrist was largely responsible for the constructionof the early types of biplane, one of which, the Tabloid,won the Schneider Trophy in 1914; and from them grew theline of aircraft which played such an important part in the1914-18 war . . ."
After recounting the story (which he told at the recent SopwithApprentices' Dinner) of how the Tabloid floatplane waspractically rebuilt in three days before the 1914 SchneiderTrophy contest, Sir Thomas continues:—
"Like many other companies, we suffered the usual post-warsetbacks; but eventually the H. G. Hawker Engineering Co.,Ltd., was formed, and Fred Sigrist became a director. He stayedon the Board through various changes and when, in 1935, weformed the Hawker Siddeley Aircraft Co., Ltd., he became oneof its first two joint managing directors. Before World War IIhe was beginning to show signs of being unable physically tostand up to our winters, and on medical advice he retired tobuild a house in Nassau. I am sure he would not have survivedso many years but for the fact that the climate there suited himso perfectly.
"Fred Sigrist was one of the most cosmopolitan of men. Hewent all over the world showing the Hawker flag and evidenceof his world-wide interests is that on his death he was a memberof clubs in London, Paris and New York. I last saw him sixweeks ago when he was over in this country. He still sufferedevery now and then from heart attacks and he was very ill whenhe was over here. The best clue to his character that I can thinkof is that in the 46 years I knew him we never once had a crossword or disagreement — even when we were engaged in thetemperamental business of designing and building aeroplanes.He was a great character and many of the early officers of theRoyal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service will share with me the loss of a very dear friend."
See Also
Sources of Information
- ↑ Flight Magazine of 21st December 1956
- ↑ Flight Magazine of 28th December 1956